Cat Photo Competition 5 2015 : Entry Number 34

Judges Comment

what a fabulous and immediately compelling image. the story-telling quality of this photo adds to its strength. the choice to convert to (shoot in) black and white keeps the elements simple. the distant buildings directly behind the cat, with the strong horizontal lines, are a little distracting, and if there was a way to edit these 'harsher' buildings out, i would advise that. but it is still a magical and unique image. nicely done! ~ illona

Photographers Comment

My Name is Dejan Ivković and I currently study Design at teh University of Applied Arts in Vienna. When I shot this photo I had just begun to develop my love for photography. The picture depicts the view from my apartment where my young tomcat is sitting at the window bench, closely observing the flight of the birds. Fortunately, I had my Nikon D3100 next to me when I realized that the birds are about to fly by our window very closely. I dialed in hysterically the right exposure and pointed my camera towards the happening. At first, I was not too optimistic about the outcome. Later I realized that cropping out the frames of my window and converting the image into black and white, I might get a quite decent composition with strong shapes. I seek inspiration from many different fields and artists like Stephen Shore. I have recently started to shoot on assignment for actors, scholars, performing artists and other interesting people. I use Instagram mainly to document my everyday life.