Black-And-White Photo Competition 1 2015 : Entry Number 815

Judges Comment

What an interesting viewpoint!” we thought when we saw this. And that pretty much kept us occupied figuring out the circumstances for this amazing photograph. Birth or death or some other occasion. In any case the photographer remembered to bring a camera! This very unusual perspective is the winner of this I-SHOT-IT Black and White competition. Congratulations!

Photographers Comment

Paul Borg Olivier, Valletta, Malta - Story behind the Photo: Statue bearers from the Feast of the Shipwreck of Saint Paul, Valletta (Patron Saint. 10.02.2015). The Feast is an important mark in Malta's Cultural Heritage and National Identity. The men are resting after a long procession and the photo was taken shortly after the euphoric entry of the statue in the church. An emotional moment for the men. A mixed feeling of satisfaction,exhaustion and national pride. The Photo was shot with a Leica M9P and a 21 mm f2.8 Avenon lens (ISO 800, F4 1/12sec, set on a self timer at 2 seconds, LR). I ran into the men who were sitting in a circle and rested the camera on its back. As they stared at the camera they had no time to think or talk about what was happening before the shutter clicked. They were happy as much as I was with the outcome.