Dog Photo Competition 6 2014 : Entry Number 200

Judges Comment

the light in this image is almost perfect -- the depth of shadows inside the barn and that glorious, wide shaft of light flowing in around the dog, catching the dust motes (or early snow flakes?) around him. i'm sure i'm not the only one wishing that big blue tractor hadn't been parked there ... but with animal photography, unlike people photos, there are rarely do-overs, and asking this lovely senior collie to wait while someone moved the tractor obviously is not an option. however, in cases like this, when a killer shot can be the result, i've been known to take the shot, THEN ask to move the tractor, reshoot without the dog and tractor, and fix in post. just a suggestion for future shooting; with the strong framing and separation of planes in this image, it would be relatively easy to accomplish. still, wonderfully seen and captured. ~ illona