Black-And-White Photo Competition 2 2014 : Entry Number 902

Judges Comment

This is for some reason a very interesting picture to look at. The composition with the daydreaming person as center of attention, and a layer of stories behind that may be clues to figure out the story.

Photographers Comment

many thanks for your "Mark of Exellenc", and thank you for the comment of the Judges. Because its exatly the reason i took the picture... The light, the daydreaming friend of mine in his thoughts, the stuff in the back... We can not go inthrough people. We can not go into theier thoughts - and this is good that we can not do it. But we get a feeling of what they thinking, feeling... and sometimes it only reflects our feelings and emotions. Thanks again for seeing and feeling nearly the same. I´m happy if people like it. Shot on Ilford HP5, developed in Microdol X, printed on Orwo Black and White Paper, print scanned with Epson Scanner at home. All the best, Hagen