Landscape Photo Competition 2014 No 2 : Entry Number 311

Judges Comment

This is a beautiful wild place and your photo is no doubt a great souvenir for you. It is though too empty to win a competition, I mean the composition of the photo, not the landscape. Panoramic views can be fantastic but they are very difficult to compose well. It is difficult when taking these pictures to visualize the final image when we are looking at such a wide view, and the scale of the image makes finding a prominent foreground subject difficult. Another problem with wide panoramas is that the light changes considerably depending on the direction we are looking, it may be beautiful here and not there. We see that in this photo; the light on the right hand side is lovely, lighting that bush from behind, throwing its shadow towards your feet. The backlight brings great detail and colour, that bush detaches itself from the background and would have been the perfect foreground subject, the pathways beyond leading away to the distant mountain… Next time you are confronted with a scene of this kind try and find a foreground subject and compose your photograph around that whilst thinking to show the real atmosphere of the place as well. In this case you could have framed a much tighter scene of that bush and the mountain on the right with a nice contrasting backlight, bringing the viewer’s attention to the warm colours of that bush, the lead lines from the paths and the distant mountain for a bit of scale. It was all there for you.