Cars and Transport Competition 1 2014 : Entry Number 3

Judges Comment

I choose this as a second place image because I love the fact that the photographer has really taken their time to try and use very limited lighting and equipment most probably to create a dramatic image, the use of the landscape, road texture and the placement of the car are all commendable.

Photographers Comment

I'm delighted to have received a mark of excellence for his image, particularly as it wasn't what I intended shooting that night. I had originally set out to capture some star trails in the Dark Skies park in the Galloway Hills, Scotland but I was hindered by cloud cover. I spent about an hour in the dark moving my car around the car park by the Loch and took multiple exposures with my D5100 whilst shining an LED torch on various parts of the car. I did a final long exposure for the sky and blended them in photoshop. I loved taking this image as not only did I learn a lot about this particular style, but also about being flexible to the conditions of the day.