Cars and Transport Competition 4 2013 : Entry Number 138

Judges Comment

Its on the edge of transport that is for sure but its valid and I can't help but be really drawn into this, its a great composition and the b/w works really well. Its oner of those images that really draws you in and you want to know more . Well done !

Photographers Comment

How exciting! Thank you so much for choosing my admittedly unorthodox entry amongst so many wonderful images, what an honor! My name is Anna and I live in Portland, Oregon, USA. This was taken on a recent trip to Mato Grasso do Sul, Brazil. These horses were kind enough to let us piggy back through the wetlands of the Pantanal, trudging through belly-deep water and weaving through forests. This was shot in manual with my travel compact, a Panasonic DMC-LX7. Post-processing was done in Lightroom.