'200' Free Photo Competition ( '200' Themed Photos only! ) : Entry Number 592
Photographers Comment
Many thanks for choosing my image. My name is Bob Patefield from North West England. I took the shot, at my place of employment, of my friend Andy. He always has the dirtiest hands. I used the amazing Olympus E-M5 with the Lumix 20mm Pancake lens and I processed it to look as gritty as possible.
I'm also lucky enough to be a previous winner of one of the dog competitions. http://www.i-shot-it.com/competition.php?id=514257c2c31df
Well done to the winner. It was my favorite also.
My day to day photograaphy goes on 500.... http://500px.com/HotDogPhotography and my main website (which needs updating) is below.
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