Premium Photo Competition 2019 1
Winning Photo

Judges Comment

Very artistic capture that we first though was two photographs, then realize the perspective, the story and how the colors and all come together. Magnificent capture, and the winner of the I-SHOT-IT competition. Congratulations!

Photographers Comment

My Name is Zay Yar Lin. I'm a travel photographer based in Myanmar. I was on the bridge which is command center of the ship as well as the highest level of the deck. I saw a crew member swabbing on the red deck below. I was drawn to the colors of the floor and his rain coat, as well as the shapes of the mop swirls beside the ocean waves bashing against the ship. Hence, the color of whirling blue ocean waves are matching with the ship red deck. The weather was cloudy and the light was beautifully diffused. So, I stepped onto the balcony and I took this photo with my iPhone 7plus from this above. It shows the beautiful contrast between the ship red deck and whirling blue ocean as well as the life of a seafarer and powerful strong ocean. It was taken at Atlantic Ocean. The image is processed in Snapseed App. You can visit my websites for more of my works.