Free Photo Competition 2013 Week 39
Winning Photo

Photographers Comment

I was so thrilled when I saw this had won, thank you for the votes. I SHOT IT, is my new obsession , I love looking at everyone's photos and vote for many. I shot this last week, I had grabbed my daughter's camera and went out to takes pics and wait for the sunset. This was taken at Harrison Bay, out of the 60 + pics. I took, only 2 or 3 were really good and this is my favorite. I was looking for something to put between me and the sunset, and this young Mimosa tree branch caught my eye, just as I was taking the pic. the wind blew the branch up and this is what I got. I used a Nikon D3100 with a 55-200 lens on auto, F/8, 1/250 sec, focal length 98 mm, iso 100, no flash. Only post editing I did was some cropping, Mother Nature did the rest. Thank you I SHOT IT and voters very much----Sonja