Free Photo Competition 2013 Week 18
Winning Photo

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My name is Juan Guevara. Throughout time, humans have been inspired by images both real and imaginary. Great artists have created such visions on film and canvas The ability to capture those moments, to tell a story or convey a message and put them on photo paper or canvas is the real challenge and art. I have been influenced and inspired by many great photographers and artists, both living and passed, to do the same. Capturing a moment, conveying a message and maybe telling a story that can possibly impact someones life and to tap into they're own creative desires is Juan's goal as a photographer Currently, I am both a Lineman for an electrical utility in Southern California where I plan on finishing my career and also a student of Photography at Cypress College where I am learning my new career as a photographer in the Orange County area of Southern California. I capture my images with my Nikon D300s and I use Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop for all my post processing