Newest Photos : Photo

Judges Comment

What an absolutely stunning image ... the soft tones, misty atmosphere and almost monochrome palette are simply delicious. The framing and the 'relationship' between the two horses is just beautiful. The subtlety of the tones and light, as well as the textures, keeps the viewer's eye exploring this incredible image. An instant fave. ~ illona

Photographers Comment

Thank you very much for the mark of excellence! My name is Valentina Goeck and I'm from Germany. The picture was taken after the barb mares were brought to another pasture. I like how they were so naturally attentive as if there was something interesting they could not see in the fog. I took the picture with the Canon 5D Mark II and the 70-200mm f4 and processed the image in lightroom and photoshop to give it a colder look and some more contrast since the fog was very heavy that day.