Newest Photos : Photo

Judges Comment

This photo immediately drew us in because of its linear qualities, the grid-­‐like quality of the photos which reminds one of the grid of lines that connect people, streets, buildings, and other parts of urban life that we can immediately connect with. The shot also draws attention to the magnificence of the face of the financial district as seen from the bay. It is a sight to behold, and this photographer captured it supremely well.

Photographers Comment

Thank you for selecting my photograph for a Mark Of Excellence, and congratulations to all of the other winners. My name is Doug Frost and I’ve been doing photography as an avocation for 30 years. My day job is in an unrelated field, so I have to do my picture taking in my spare time. I commute by ferry to San Francisco, which affords a unique opportunity to capture an endless variety of amazing scenes. The light and weather on San Francisco Bay are constantly changing and there’s always something interesting to see. I carry a camera bag with me daily, because you never know when you might encounter that once in a lifetime shot. This was one of those times. The light and the sky were perfect and the boat was in the right place at the right time. I shot it, handheld, with a Sony NEX-7 fitted with a 30-year old Nikon 105mm f/2.5 at 1/3200s, f/4.0 and ISO 200. The raw file was processed in Photoshop CS5.