Most Popular Photos : June 2015 : Position 32

Judges Comment

So much drama here and the whole palet of colours and tones. Well done for being right there and for framing this beautiful and graphic composition. Stunning work !

Photographers Comment

Thanks for the recognition of this image. It is great to have other photographers recognize your work! My name is Rob Darby and I live in San Francisco, California. I am a photo enthusiast and avid storm chaser. I mostly do landscape and storm photography. This image was captured in Western Kansas in May and is one of my favorite imaged of storm structure that I have captured. This was a really intense storm and the photo was taken near sunset which given the interesting color in the rain bands on the right. This was shot with a Nikon D800E, 24-120 f/4 Nikkor lens, 24mm, f/8, ISO 200, 1/80s. This was a difficult image to process because the light was so dynamic, so I tried a number of things before settling on a pretty basic scheme: increased Clarity/Vibrance, sharpening, reduced highlights and increased blacks. Thank you again for voting for this image!