Most Popular Photos : 2021 : Position 40

Judges Comment

The street atmosphere is fantastic, the colours and tones just lovely. Here is a wonderful real life photograph, beautifully captured with the woman filling the open space perfectly. Well done you win!

Photographers Comment

Thank you for the pleasant surprise! I am a German photographer and have been measuring Asia since the early noughties. In the broadest sense, I am interested in cultural and biodiversity, more precisely animism, dogmas and rituals. The frame were captured via 50ZA @ f/1.4 at the time of the first lockdown which I spent in Sumba Barat, Indonesia. I thank the jury and would like to express my kind respect to everyone who has been honored here. All the best from Germany, Wolf

Judges Comment

Beautiful colors and balance. Very well done!

Photographers Comment

Thanks for the recognition. I am a German photographer and have been measuring Asia since the early noughties. In the broadest sense, I am interested in cultural and biodiversity, more precisely animism, dogmas and rituals. The time of the first lockdown I spent in Sumba Barat, Indonesia. A number of pictures honored here were taken there. I thank the jury and would like to express my kind respect to everyone who has been honored here. All the best from Germany, Wolf