Users Favorites : Photo

Judges Comment

We like this image for many different reasons. The composition, how the red roses cast their shadow in a small window of light, is superb. Clearly, the artist of this image has great knowledge and sensitivity, how to arrange and perceive. The light in this photo is superb. Congratulations from the I-Shot-It team to the winner of this Flower competition!

Photographers Comment

Thank you for choosing my photo, I'm delighted to be the winner of this competition. My name is Aleksandra Debiczak and I'm a photographer based in Glasgow, Scotland. Flowers are a frequent subject of my photographs and I usually shoot them indoors with bright sunlight. I believe that simple photographic approach is the easiest and best way to show the beauty of the subject, in this case roses. I used Nikon D800E with 50mm lens to take this photo.