Users Favorites : Photo

Judges Comment

Congratulations for this beautiful picture! In this competition there was an incredible level and it was very difficult for me to choose the winner. Many photos deserved to win and it's always difficult to make a wise choice. In this contest I've seen pictures of incredible precision with a technique of a very high level. In previous competitions lot of very large plans have earned since the technique was superb, but this time I wanted to show that the traditional macro more than ever a place here! Again, congratulations to all participants for your work of great quality. To return to this winning photo! Here is a work smooth, colors are beautiful, the sharpness is superb on this beautiful butterfly. The composition is good although I would have seen the butterfly a little more to the left-center for a bit. Again congratulations for this very smooth and very poetic image.

Photographers Comment

My name is Yi Yun Chang ,and I am a photographer from Taiwan. I would like to thank the organization and the judges for selecting my photo among all the others. It is a great honor to receive this award. This photo was shot by Canon 5d3 and 70-200mm /f2.8 Canon lenses. I like to shoot natural scenery in the countryside. This is the most authentic and original beauty.