Users Favorites : Photo

Photographers Comment

Thanks to everyone for voting for my photo! I am a german animal photographer who is very passionate for horses. I live in Cologne and take pictures with my Canon 5DIII and most of the time with the 70-200mm 2.8L I.

Judges Comment

Fabulous! The rich blacks in this image give it a depth that draws us in; and the incredible line that sweeps from the rump, along the back, curves along the neck and over top of the head and down the front of the face is absolutely stunning. Because of this incredible line that draws the viewer's eye in, I would encourage you to revisit this image reconsider the line of the rump at the left edge of the frame so that it entirely disappear into black, allowing our eyes to pick the line up from the very edge of the frame. Beautifully shot and managed in post, and great focus. Nicely done! ~ illona

Photographers Comment

Thank you very much for choosing my photo and also for the good advice on the lines, I will definitely try that! My name is Anna Panke and I am from Cologne, Germany. The photo shows a beautiful german sporthorse and was taken with a Canon EOS 5DIII and the 70-200mm 2.8L. I processed the photo via Lightroom and Photoshop.