Users Favorites : Photo

Judges Comment

this image was an instant fave ... and i think the more one looks at it, the stronger it becomes. while initially seeming like a rather simple image, there is just so much for the viewer's eye to take in, to come back to and examine, and to see again for the first time. the texture of the concrete, the mortar between the bricks, the contrast between the crack lines in the concrete vs. the straight, geometric lines of the vault/wall/monument or whatever it is this dog is perched on. the depth of shadows is bold against the light grey concrete, highlighting the main action of this image -- the dog sniffing a two-dimensional cat. very expertly seen, captured and executed. well done! bravo! ~ illona

Photographers Comment

First of all let me thank you for choosing my photo as competition winner among other great photos. I was on a walk with our dogs when I've noticed that someone painted this cat on a wall so I ran back to get a camera and something to attract dogs attention. Shot was taken with Canon 6D and Sigma 35/1.4Art. In weeks after I found some more of those street-art animals so if you follow my fanpage you can find more:)